May 23, 2010
The world of unemployed photo-journalists was stunned by the upset victory of S. Revitz in the 74th Annual Motherfucker of the Year competition.
Srevitz, well-known columnist for The Journal of Contemporary Opinion, scraped through with a bare 42% majority, beating out, but not off, better-financed, consultant-laden competitors including David "Son of Sam" Liebowitz, George Will, Nancy Pelosi, David Marvin Mailer, former Thai PM Thaksin Shinawatra, Rush Limbaugh and Britney Spears in a race that went down on the wired.
Srevitz accepted his victory with the charismatic aplomb that typified his non-campaign for the coveted honor.
"No comment," he averred to the assembled unemployables, "and Fuck You," replied Srevitz to the ex-journalists clamoring for anything quotable whatsoever that might contribute to the previous month's meth bill.
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