In response to an inadvertently amusing article in "Time's Up Magazine" on Indian-American humor, WisdomoftheEast, a resident of Hindutino, California and inventor of the original and ever-popular Vodkaburger™ ("Hold the beef! Eat the sauce!"™), has forwarded this previously little-known account of a diplomatic incident which took place during the Cold War:
When Mrs. Gandhi went to Moscow, Khrushchev took her for a tour of the city in his limo. Recalling his visit to India, he started giving her a hard time about the sanitary conditions there.
"When I was in Delhi, I saw human excrement lying everywhere."
Poor Mrs. Gandhi was terribly embarrassed, but only for a moment because just ahead was a man sitting on his heels, shitting on the side of the road. She pointed this out to the Premier.
Khrushchev was livid and didn't hesitate: "Driver, get out immediately and shoot that man!"
The driver got out, walked up to the man with his gun drawn, spoke briefly and then returned to the car.
"Sir, I can't shoot that man," blurted the driver.
"Why not?"
"He's the Indian ambassador."
"When I was in Delhi, I saw human excrement lying everywhere."
Poor Mrs. Gandhi was terribly embarrassed, but only for a moment because just ahead was a man sitting on his heels, shitting on the side of the road. She pointed this out to the Premier.
Khrushchev was livid and didn't hesitate: "Driver, get out immediately and shoot that man!"
The driver got out, walked up to the man with his gun drawn, spoke briefly and then returned to the car.
"Sir, I can't shoot that man," blurted the driver.
"Why not?"
"He's the Indian ambassador."
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